
Berit Hildre was born in Norway in 1964. A self-taught sculptor and painter, she transforms malleable clay into magic.

The human in the spiritual sense is Hildre Berit's signature. Children's bodies, dreaming women, lost in eternity are all part of her repertoire.

Without ever having asked for anything from institutions, she shapes matter to offer us a unique journey into the innocent, enchanting universe of her work. Straight out of fairy tales, her sculptures question the vulnerability of a child's body and its undeniable presence.

By accepting to grow up, to grow old, we also accept that it is possible to rediscover these characteristics. "There always remains something of childhood, always..." are the words of Marguerite Duras, which take on their full meaning when evoking Berit's work.

Berit says of her little girls, "My little girls are like flowers; frail daisies in the hollow of a vallo, wonderfully fresh and beautiful, vulnerable, at the mercy of so many things that can in an instant destroy this little miracle; a daisy, a little girl. Little girls believe in angels, fairies and trolls, princes and magicians. They know that everything is alive. Little girls collect all sorts of precious things; strange pebbles, angel feathers, hazelnuts that have fallen from a tree, little empty boxes and secrets in the palm of their hand."

The artist's works