On the 28th of October 2022, Adamah Fine Arts Gallery collaborated with LUX* Grand Baie, the new flagship of LUX* Resorts & Hotels for their official inauguration ceremony. The ceremony was held in the presence of Mr. Serge Patteta, the founder of the gallery himself together with The Honorable Prime Minister of Mauritius, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth and Mr. Arnaud Lagesse, the Chairman of The LUX* Collective and Chief Executive of IBL Group. Complementing the gorgeous architecture of the resort, the hotel premises were spearheaded with 120 masterpieces from different international artists. We were happy to have welcomed two French artists, Mr. Fred Avella and Mr. Cedric Bouteiller, who also did a live painting session during the event. It was an evening to celebrate and enjoy an exceptional experience around the Arts from all around the world.


Cedric Bouteiller‘s motto behind all his paintings is “mise en abyme”. He wants his audiences to enjoy what they are looking at. When we start seeing something, our eyes fall on hundreds of other things. They wander all around the painting. You can wake up one day and you start discovering new details. Having that motive in mind, he did an exceptional live bespoke painting at the rooftop restaurant BISOU for the inauguration day.


Along his side was Fred Avella, another French artist whose concept is to parody the serious character in an amusing, almost burlesque way, knowing the animal image represents in pop culture while often being used for brand labels or as sports mascots. Yet, the animal’s characteristics remain loyal, faithful, brave, powerful and strong. He create , revisits and personalizes animal subjects by giving them a touch of pop art aesthetics and bright color finishes.