
Self-taught and instinctive, his style is unique and highly personal. His style is halfway between free figuration and street-art, as much as between art brut and art singulier.

It's fair to say that all his works are a veritable open book on his life. He prefers to represent human emotion in his paintings, rather than talk and engage politically with his creations. He is an authentic artist who tells his own story and ends up telling the lives of others in parallel.

Hypersensitive, he reveals himself through his canvases, without restraint, thus showing his personality. He attaches great importance to the title he gives his canvases, or simply by reading it, the viewer will be able to understand what the artist wanted to express.
A resolutely avant-garde artist, he always brings a touch of modernity and graphic design, which without trying to seduce you, will never leave you indifferent.

The artist's works