Patrick Ricco

Born in Mauritius, Patrick Ricco shows us a profusion of colors. An instinctive, impulsive stroke. In Patrick Ricco's universe, the paintbrush is a board that rides the wave of his canvases. This self-taught artist with an overflowing imagination invites us to enter a fantastic world of personal experiences and fantasies. Internationally exhibited, Patrick Ricco takes art lovers on a journey through a neo-expressionist universe, well marked by his Mauritian roots.

Because he was never told it was impossible, Patrick dared to dream. And dared to create. From kid with a passion for surfing to talented artist to renowned tattoo artist, he has lived a thousand and one lives. He shares his thoughts and visions in color and words. He sows clues here and there to make us accomplices in the story he tells. It's up to us to catch them!

The artist's works