Isabel Miramontes

Isabel Miramontes was born in Santiago de Compostela, a pilgrimage destination of Celtic origin that still fascinates her and remains a magical land for her. But it was in Belgium, in Brussels, that the artist grew up and studied: she obtained a diploma in Plastic Arts from the Institut Sainte-Marie.

She continued her training in 1988 at the Académie des Beaux-Arts de Saint-Gilles, in Patrick Pouillart's studio, where she acquired solid experience in drawing and sketching from live models. Isabel Miramontes has retained from this experience the need to capture human gestures at all times, attitudes and impressions recorded in multiple sketchbooks, all evidence of the subtle, perceptive eye she casts around her. It was in 1994, in the studio of a sculptor friend, that she passionately discovered sculpture, which became the preferred means of expression to which she now devotes herself. Every day, Isabel Miramontes shapes clay, exploring new forms to give shape to her inner life and convey her vision of the world.

Struck by a silhouette, a movement, a symbol, a thought, Isabel Miramontes translates the human attitude with deep, sincere emotion. Miramontes' plastic language imposes the human being represented in all the ambiguity of his power and fragility, his confinement and desire for freedom, his dream and triumph. This fascinating character, a synthesis of forms and thoughts, expresses the reality of life, with its moments of happiness but also drama, abandonment but also tension, a character that surely calls out to each of us in the depths of our being.

The artist's works