Fred Allard

Fred Allard, artiste sculpteur Niçois née en 1968, iconoclaste et intemporel, est un acteur majeur de la scène internationale de l’art contemporain.

As the builder of a fashion laboratory for several years, he immersed himself in the culture and joy of this milieu, which he now uses in his thinking and his work as an artist.

His "Shopping bags" are his signature, with their own unique identity: a wave of poetic, charismatic chic that's impossible to duplicate.

His sculptures question the codes of the street and of luxury, as they confront and oppose each other, meet and assemble to form a single entity.

By "emptying his bag", Fred Allard shares with us his spontaneous work, driven by inspirations that have marked and continue to mark his life.

Crystallizing real objects in translucent resin for eternity, the sculptor takes us into his "PUNK PARADISE" atmosphere, 100% rock, chic and addictive..

The artist's works