Carlos Orive

Carlos Orive was born in Madrid in April 1966 to a father from Madrid and a mother from Cantabria. Carlos Orive entered the art world through photography, which he discovered and began working on in a specialized workshop at his secondary school, at the early age of twelve.
After graduating in photography from the Academy of Madrid, he developed his own technique, "pigment graphie", based on the fusion of photography, painting and computer tools on canvas, without ever using traditional collage or directly coloring the photograph.

He teaches photography at the "Torito" Cultural Center in Madrid, and at the Eugenia de Montijo College in Carabanchel, and digital computer retouching at the CESINE in Cantabria. He has received several awards from art foundations and institutions in Spain.

In his personal creative trajectory, he applies and uses superimpositions, fragments and retouching of images, all against a background of personal reflection on the figure of man today. He is greatly influenced by the Art Informel of twentieth-century Spanish painters (Tàpies, Saura, Chillida...), which he never tires of studying and which constantly inspires him. He brings to this great History of Art his own personal concept, reintroducing the human figure as the main protagonist of his work; and opts for new technologies as a technical prerequisite, anchoring his art in the contemporary.

The artist's works